Donate Now

As a not-for-profit organization, your financial donation helps us maintain and grow the Volunteer Well platform and community. 

You can donate and we’ll allocate the fund where it’s needed most in our community, or choose which program or area you want your funds to support.


Pledge your support

Thankyou. Thankyou for coming here. We’re grateful for you to have come this far since you intend to give.

Giving. Not just an act. It’s a feeling. Wholesome. Enriching. Humbling.

We all are witness to the fact that the world is going through challenging and uncertain times, and the importance of giving back to communities around us or elsewhere in the world, cannot be understated. Realising the situation, Volunteer Well aims to carry out welfare in communities through a lens of social inclusion and civic responsibility, as we believe all people deserve an equal chance to participate in their community.

No matter how big or small your gift is, please know that it means a lot. And helps us in continuing to serve people in need across Canada.

You can choose to give one-time or monthly. If you choose monthly, please know it’s not a fixed commitment. Instead monthly gifts are flexible so you can change, pause, resume or completely stop whenever you like. We understand times change and want you to give only as much and until you conveniently can.

Please explore below the various ways we are making a difference. You can choose which one you would like your gift to go towards and proceed to process your donation in the next step.

Volunteer Well - Community Platform  

Volunteer Well provides a unified platform that brings together Volunteers with a diverse range of skillsets from all across Canada. It puts them at the center of giving and empowers them to use their skills for good. Together we drive social impact by harnessing the power of collective philanthropy through this platform to uplift those around us in need. Your gift helps to fuel this platform so it continues to run as a well-oiled machine fulfilling gaps in our communities.


Other than building this platform that facilities Volunteers across Canada to reach/help beneficiaries in their communities and neighborhoods, Volunteer Well as an entity is a registered charity running volunteer programs of its own. Our team works relentlessly planning, organizing and executing a range of thoughtfully designed free-of-charge programs and activities catering to people from all walks of life. Your gift helps the team to design, plan and promote these programs and services for people who need them in the following categories.


Senior Care Connect 

Elderly folks are often home-bound and lonely. They need our time and some TLC, now and then. We strive to create programs and activities aimed at keeping our seniors active and happy. For example we recently launched a weekly meet-and-greet event where active seniors aged 60+ years come together to dance, engage in light yoga, socialize, and have some fun. Currently offered in the cities of Grimsby and Mississauga, we will be introducing digital literacy classes in the next round of Senior Care Connect. Your gift helps to supply materials, pay for instructors, provide snacks in these programs, expand our reach to more cities across GTA and so on.


Children and Youth

Our Children and Youth are our future. And no amount of enrichment and development programs can ever be enough. We need to invest in our future, today. We are in the process of launching Kids Wellness program for children aged 6-11 years in July-August 2023. There will be games, zumba and lots of fun. Other programs in the pipeline include arts & crafts, and health & nutrition. Your gift goes towards providing materials for these programs, pay for venue and administrative costs, etc.


Embrace Equity – the theme for this year’s International Women’s Day. And it applies to non-Binary people too. Gender can not and should not be the basis for judging merit. We are focused bringing people together, irrespective of their gender, giving everyone a fair chance to excel in their respective fields. Your gift helps to support programs catered towards this segment of our society equipping them with life skills, providing legal advice, offering counseling and so on.

People in financial need  

With incessant inflation and subsequent decrease in purchasing power, 7.4% of Canadians lived in poverty (2021) up from 6.4% in 2020. (More information on Canada’s Official Poverty Line). Through this fund we ensure that the unmet needs of marginalized people in our society are fulfilled, with dignity and respect. Your gift helps to directly support these individuals and families so they can stay on top of their monthly bills, rent, groceries, etc.

New immigrants 

Canada sees an influx of new immigrants every year, who come from all over the world and often under difficult circumstances. They need support in so many areas like langauge and literacy, job search, understanding and assimilating in a new culture, making new friends, and so. Your gift helps to drive programs designed to support these families navigate their way through this major life-changing phase for a smooth settling in.

Anyone facing Racism

Anyone facing Racism such as Non-Binary, LGBTQ++ and BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of color). People of color.  Or anyone for that matter facing racism of any sort needs our support. Afterall that is what Volunteer Well stands for – humanity serving humanity. So many amongst us have faced systemic racial injustices and been severely impacted by it over time. We need to stand together and do more than simply devising fancy acronyms and observing awareness weeks. We need conscious, consistent effort to recognize racism where and when it happens and weed it out of the very fabric of our society. In the same spirit, we have various programs to lift those who have faced systemic racism and your gift helps to support these endeavors. 

Volunteer-Well: A non-profit charity organization

The Volunteer Well is a non-profit charity organization (Registration Number: 77243 5947 RR0001) with the following charitable purpose:

  1. To address and prevent specific problems faced by women, LGBTQ++, marginalized people in financial need, new immigrants and Black, Indigenous and People of colour families facing disadvantages, such as poverty and unemployment by providing programs beneficial to the community that are charitable at law, such as job mentorship workshops and health resources, that teach a variety of life skills as well as integration into Canadian society to help them become active members/volunteers of their community.
  2. To relief conditions attributed to being aged by providing a variety of programs that will help alleviate social isolation and loneliness.
  3. To address and prevent specific problems faced by children and youth by providing a variety of programs that will assist with overall development, teaching life skills and helping become active members/volunteers in their community.
  4. And to do all such things as are ancillary and incidental to the attainment of this charitable purpose.